In this Post you’ll find more information about the InspirationNation Project Website and Blog and the MoveSpiration Event
My goal in creating all of this, is to share my biggest inspirations in Dance and Movement of the past few years with you.
In a fit of inspiration and joy, because I received confirmation of both of my ‘GrandMasters’ for the Event a few days ago, I believe I have finished the complete concept for MoveSpiration in one go.
All that on one coffee :)
Speaking of which, this is a bit of a longer update, so do be sure to grab a coffee (or tea) and read with me..
WHAT am I doing?
As said above, the goal of creating this concept/weekend/website/event (aka InspirationNation) is to be able to share with you my biggest discoveries, deepest learnings and greatest inspirations of the past few years, in life, dance and movement.
Next to having a place to share with you my favorite forest walking pictures, movement and dance related blogs, articles, and books, I wanted to create something that gives you the EXPERIENCE of movement change and deepening your dancing.
In short, the things I want to share in this weekend (26-27th of August 2017) are those that have been helping me get the most out of my dance practice in the past year, and they have me so motivated I am able to churn out pages of information like there is no tomorrow.
All of this comes together with the recent news that my favorite dance space, Studio Sarossy in Würselen, is staying open for at least one more year, so it feels like NOW is the time to create something special.
I am pouring all of this in the practical shape of a short (2-day) Movement and Dance intensive, featuring guest classes/workshops from my 2 absolute favorite teachers and Masters in life, Constanze Janssen and Master Chae, to hopefully give you a ‘feel’ for how much a change of movement patterns, being ‘in the presence of Great’ and concentrated bouts of short, focused practice can do.
It is my wish that taking part in this MoveSpiration weekend will leave you with inspiration, joy of movement, and a buttload of ideas for dances for years to come.
WHY am I doing this?
As some of you might know, the past few years (and 2013-2015 especially) have been quite difficult ones for me, as I had been gradually struggling more and more with an old (pre-dance) pelvis injury, which messed with my general body alignment and had me stuck in all kinds of chronic neck-, back- , hip- and shoulder pain.
This made it much more difficult to dance, teach, and find daily motivation, and the daily struggles sapped my confidence as a dancer and instructor.
Going on a conscious queeste to educate and ‘help myself’, as well as being lucky enough to ‘roll into’ Monika Volkmars Dance Stronger program test group last summer (2015) kicked off a chain of hope-giving transformations and discoveries.
In those few weeks I learned tools and simple exercises which helped me improve my ‘body map’, and I was able to reset/optimize some of my basic movement patterns, which in turn freed up all kinds of lost ranges of movement, and it rendered me pain-free, even to this day. Just by breathing, moving, and thinking differently. I was amazed it could be this simple.
All of this freed me mentally (and physically) to carefully try out different dance and movement arts (amongst others: started taking modern/floor barre classes with Constanze and, after years of dreaming of it, an actual Martial Arts class (with a resident Korean Grand Master in TaeKwanDo no less :))
While I started to feel better about dance and life in general, I also got outside of the appartment more often, and in doing so I discovered two beautiful little mini-forests, right here in the middle of Eschweiler and in Würselen (the town of the studio) where I can run, bike, hop, or walk, and I occasionally take my cameraphone with me to share the gorgeous views.
WHY include Martial Arts?
Because Master Chae is totally awesome. I have learned so, so much from him in such a short time. Martial Arts gives you a way to discover movement practise outside of the pressures of dance, and it can make SUCH a difference.
Also, this blog post sums up my feelings on mixing martial arts and dance:
What does this all MEAN?
Right now, I am feeling so inspired and thankful, that I feel I HAVE to share all I have learned and discovered with as many dancers as possible, aka with you.
So.. Long story short. It is time for some MoveSpiration.
MoveSpiration, is it for YOU?
Yes, yes it is. If you are a dancer, and/or a human, and open to movement exploration you will, hopefully, get something out of this.
So, where is the actual EVENT INFO? And where can I SIGN UP? :)
I have created a special ‘Pre-Enrollment‘ page, where you can read all about the teachers (more details will be added in the coming days), the concept, the timings, and even the full day plannings.
The price for the full weekend (10+ hours of classes) will be 185 Euros
To give you the chance to reserve a spot at MoveSpiration without having to pay right away, you can pre-sign up now via this page and pay later (either the full amount in January 2017, or 85 Euros in January and the rest at a later date)
This also gives you a chance to use a Khalida Dance Gift Voucher for the enrollment, should you happen to get one for Christmas/your birthday/a special occasion by that date.
It also gives ME the chance to see whether we can have the event take place, as we will need a minimum of about 5 participants to officially make it happen.
So.. here you go:
I will be awaiting your questions, and maybe biting my nails, for the rest of the coming days/weeks :)
Please feel free to ask me ANYTHING about this event, I will use the answers/info to complete the website. After January 1st all pre-enrollments will be changed to actual enrollments, and you will receive the payment information email (like for other ‘normal’ events that I host)
Please also feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be up for sharing the experience with you/me/us.
The more participants, the bigger the inspirational stream!
Thank you for reading all of this, and thank you again for your interest!
Big huge (giant oak tree) hugs,
xxx Kim/Khalida
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The Oak, my Friend. |
PS: A ‘normal’ Khalida Dance newsletter update with details on all Dance Events for the coming weeks/months will be sent out soon – you can sign up for it via This Link (MailChimp)
Weblinks (ALL the weblinks :))
MoveSpiration Pre-Enrollment page:
MoveSpiration FB Event page:
InspirationNation Forest Pictures:
MoveSpiration Blog:
InspirationNation FB page:
InspirationNation Instagram account:
Follow InspirationNation on Twitter:
Cheers for now,
Team MoveSpiration <3
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